Sunday, March 17, 2013

How To: Create swap file in Ubuntu 11.04

1.       Open Terminal by pressing alt+ctrl+t
2.       Enter the command
               cat /proc/meminfo
3.       Now enter
                sudo dd if = /dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=XX
                 swapfile size = count * bs
                e.g. count=2M  OR count = 2048K
                   so size=1024 * 2M = 2GB
4.       sudo chmod 600 /swapfile && sudo mkswap /swapfile
5.      sudo swapoff -a
6.      sudo swapon /swapfile
7.      sudo -b gedit /etc/fstab
                edit /etc/fstab file and remove or comment out all old swap partitions
8.       Add new line:
                /swapfile none swap sw 0 0
                verify that everything is done OK
9.     free -m
10.   Now you'll see your swap reported
                   swapon -s

Friday, March 1, 2013

How To : Enable/Disbale hibernate and suspend option in Ubuntu 11.04

Ubuntu Version 11.04


1: Open terminal by pressing Alt+Ctrl+t
2: Enter the command given below
       sudo gedit /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.upower.policy 

   sudo command is used because the editing the file require root privilage and hence it requires password to enter.
3:  At the end suspend and hibernate section you will find two lines(if both are enabled):

4:  Change yes to no and vice-versa. we assume that in your system both are enabled and you want to disabled it. If it is not the file contain the below lines


 and now you have to turn "yes" to "no" and "no" to "yes" to make it enable.

Note : it's preferable to use "gksudo" instead of "sudo" when opening graphical programs, to prevent permission errors