Friday, May 8, 2015

LaTeX : Part - 4 : Examples of Mathematical equations - Basic.

In following section we will have some examples, how to write mathematical equations in Latex.

Please use following package:
For more information on "amsmath" package, please click here.
Use of $ (Dollar symbol)

$ is generally used in a paragraph, where some part of paragraph such as variables, special symbols etc are required to display in math mode.

Example-1 :
Hello reader, here is the first math equation example. For this $ a + b $ , below is the output.


Example-2 :
Hello reader, here is the first math equation example. For this $$ a + b $$ , below is the output.

 Henceforth, we will use $$ instead of $.

Here is list of some sample codes and their output:

Source Code Output


Some more to come Some more to come


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