Thursday, September 8, 2016

Golang and Shell Script : Execute sh file from Go file and vice-versa.

We will see here today, executing a Go file from Shell script file and vice-versa.

Don't know, how to create and run a shell script file ?
Shell script file name :
Content of :

echo "Hello, I am inside '' file."
echo "Now, I am going to call 'hello_go.go' file. The output: "
go run hello_go.go

Hello world ! program in Golang.
Go file name : hello_go.go
Content of hello_go.go :

package main
import (
func main() {
        fmt.Printf("Hello, I am from 'hello_go.go' file.");
        fmt.Printf("\nNow, I am going to execute '' file\n");
        cmd := exec.Command("bash", "");
        cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader("");
        var out bytes.Buffer;
        cmd.Stdout = &out;
        err := cmd.Run();
        if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Output \n",out.String());

*For beginner change the file name "" and  "hello_go.go" according to your requirement.
*For advanced programmer, try this recursion and you can comment your output below.

-Thank you

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