Friday, March 16, 2018

Different ways to open a notification/dialoge box in Ubuntu

Different ways to display a dialog box or a status message in Ubuntu.

1.   notify-send -i /home/user/Desktop/notifications.ico "MsgSummary"  "This is message body !!!"

     gxmessage "This is message body"
     gxmessage -file message.txt
     gxmessage -center -timeout 3 -fg RED -file

     whiptail --msgbox "This is the message" 10 50
     whiptail --yesno "Press wither yes or no" 10 50

     dialog --msgbox "This is the message" 10 50

     zenity --info --text="Here is the message body"
     zenity --calendar
     zenity --color-selection
     zenity --password

Please see user manual of each command for more detailed information.
You can find more ways. Please comment if more options are there to display a message.


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