This is a very common problem that JSAC needs to fix.
Understanding the problem:
Lets say we generate the PDF by using some Latex editor such as TeXstudio.
By default the all the font are not embedded to the PDF itself. This is to keep the PDF size small. Embedding all fonts is not necessary because some fonts are common to all modern OS. So it does not make sense to embed all the fonts in the PDF itself.
You can check the list of fonts embedded by following steps:
1. Open the PDF
2. Right click on any place
3. Click on "document properties."
4. Click on "Font" tab.
EDIT (23 Jan 2020):
How to Solve (Mac OS)?
- Open the PDF with Preview app (I am using MacOS Catalina)
- Under "File" menu select "Export as PDF..."
- Give different filename and click on "Save" button.
Be default this should embed all the fonts.
You can check the list of fonts embedded by following steps:
1. Open the PDF
2. Right click on any place
3. Click on "document properties."
4. Click on "Font" tab.
But, the EDAS system, through which we usually submit the manuscript, expect all the fonts to be embedded into the PDF.
How to solve (Windows OS)?
1> After generating the PDF using any Latex Editor, find the corresponding .ps file, probably in the same directory
2> Open the Windows command prompt
change the current directory to the directory of PS file.
Now enter following command
ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS#/prepress -dEmbedAllFonts#true -dMaxSubsetPct#100 -dCompatibilityLevel#1.3 file_name.pdf
3> Give the ps file name and the output pdf file name.
Now in the new pdf file, you can see the embedded fonts.
EDIT (23 Jan 2020):
How to Solve (Mac OS)?
- Open the PDF with Preview app (I am using MacOS Catalina)
- Under "File" menu select "Export as PDF..."
- Give different filename and click on "Save" button.
Be default this should embed all the fonts.