Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Working with Cloudify and ARIA TOSCA - Beginner

Before you start reading this post, it is recommended to have the knowledge of cloud computing concept: how the cloud specific applications are developed and deployed, how those are tested, scaled according to users requirements etc. In this post we will see what is Cloudify and the brief of TOSCA standard.



> This is an open source cloud orchestration framework. This allows to manage the entire life cycle of the cloud application, which ranges from: application modelling, life cycle automation, cloud deployment, monitoring, detecting issues and failures, handling on going maintenance tasks etc. 
> This entire software tool comprises of other different open-source components, such as Nginx, Elasticsearch, Logstash, RabbitMQ, Riemann, InfluxDB, Grafana, Flask, Gunicorn, Celery, Fabric, diamond, Jinja2 etc. This means, the installation of Cloudify includes the installation of all above-mentioned open-source components. 
> This open-source tool is written in Python programming language
> Its Domain Specific Language is based on TOSCA standard. 
> Each application is describe in a YMAL file called blueprint. Application description represents the logical representation called topology, dependencies of the applications etc.


> TOSCA: Topology and Orchestration Specification of Cloud Applications
> It is a standard created by group of industrial experts.
> The first version (version 1.0) of this standard came on 16 January 2014.
> It is used to describe the topology of cloud based web services, the components of the web services and their relationships and the processes that manage them. 
> Cloudify is an open source cloud service orchestration frame based on TOSCA
> Similarly, Alien4Cloud is an open source cloud application lifecycle management platform based on TOSCA
> Ubicity provides tooling and orchestration  cloud environment which is base on TOSCA
> SeaCloud and DICE are some of the related research projects that are based on this standard.

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